How can investors obtain the real-time information of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation? What are the charges?
- The trading information provided by TWSE's "Market Information System" is updated once every 5 seconds and is available to the public for free. Investors are welcome to use the information.
- Investors can obtain real-time information of the centralized exchange through an information company who has signed a contract with TWSE. Investors can obtain contact details of each information company which has signed a contract with TWSE by clicking "Products and Services/Information Services/List of Information Companies under Contract" at TWSE's website https://www.twse.com.tw/en/ The amount of fee is determined by each information company depending upon the contents of the product, and investors may contact each information company for such information.
Can an investor use the trading information by adding value to it at his own discretion?
The intellectual property right and other related rights to and in the trading information of the centralized exchange are vested in Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation. Any investor who uses value added information and transmits, broadcasts or provides it for use by others shall obtain TWSE's consent and enter into a written contract, provided that the investor may be exempted from obtaining TWSE's consent if the information is solely for the investor's own use.
How can vendors obtain "real-time stock price index information" or "delayed trading information" of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation? What are the charges?
Regarding how to apply for transmitting (broadcasting) TWSE's "real-time stock price index information" or "delayed trading information," please visit TWSE's website at
https://www.twse.com.tw/en/ and click "Products and Services/Information Services/Real-time stock price index information or Delayed trading information.
How to become an information company under contract with Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation? What are the charges?
Regarding the required qualifications and documents to be submitted for applying for use of TWSE's trading information, please visit TWSE's website
https://www.twse.com.tw/en/ and click "Products and Services/Information Services/ Regulations Governing the Use of Trading Information", and refer to Articles 8 to 11 thereof. For calculation of applicable charges, please refer to the "Criteria for Charging Fees" annexed to such Regulations.
How to obtain "after-market and index information" and "historical trading information" of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation? What are the charges?
Currently, "after-market and index information" and "historical trading information" are available at TWSE's "Data E-Shop" for information vendors and general investors to subscribe for products provided by TWSE by directly clicking at the website. For the prices of products, please refer to "Data E-Shop" at
How to obtain from Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation after-market or historical information that is not yet available at TWSE's website?
"After-market and index information" available at "Data E-Shop" to meet the demands for different information, TWSE is happy to produce files needed by user for his own specific purpose, or historical information of each type of trading at specific period or time, in the format of Excel and Text pursuant to the user's choice and convenience.
If the TWSE official website is temporarily unavailable due to any cause in my country, where can I find stock information of TWSE listed companies?
TWSE approved data vendors (
List) also distribute a comprehensive range of market data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange. You may contact our authorized vendors at your discretion.