2023 TIB Qualified Investors Registration Lottery
The Lottery aims to promote and increase the number of Qualified Investors registration in the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) in order to being more trading volume and attract more high-quality companies to list on TIB.
Event Period
The Lottery will be held on a monthly basis from April to December, 2023 (a total of 9 months).
Contact Information
Collaborating Partner: Brix Ltd. (02) 8773-6861 #303 Amanda Wang
Organizer: TWSE Trading Department (02) 8101-3132 Jane Chou.
Organizer: TWSE Trading Department (02) 8101-3132 Jane Chou.
To participate in the event, Qualified Investors must have signed, uploaded a risk disclosure statement, and passed the suitability review conducted by brokerage firms. Note: If the risk disclosure statement is expired, the participant will lose eligibility for the Lottery.
Official Website