
Real-time trading information

Method of connection

  • You can obtain Real-time trading information by directly connecting to TWSE's computer system
  • You can obtain Real-time trading information by indirectly connecting to a user(exclusive of a securities firm or a futures commission merchant) who has contracted with TWSE.

Application method

Please refer to Application FlowchartList of Required Documents for ApplicationSample for Reference

Market Information Fee

Unit: NT/month
I.For applicants who are not securities firms or futures commission merchants
License Fee
Charging criteria Amount Notes
Redistribution License Fee NT$60,000 The data fee may be used to offset the redistribution license fee, if:
  1. Users to whom Table 2 hereto is applicable.
  2. For those who pay in excess of NT$200,000, the excess amount may be used to offset the redistribution license fee.
Direct Connection Fee An applicant (other than securities firms and futures commission merchants) that uses more than one set of direct connections : NT$60,000/month/ connection.
Data Fee
Function and classification Amount Notes
  1. Dedicated line, cable modem, VPN
  1. Please refer to Criteria for charging fees - Table of Fixed Scaling Fee(Table 2).
  2. The user shall report the number of electronic display units installed for subscribers other than securities firms and futures firms to TWSE
This data fee may be used to offset the redistribution license fee.
  1. Internet(Automatically updating)
  1. NT$100,000 per month for 0 to 5,000 accounts;
  2. NT$12 per month for each additional account in excess of 5,001 accounts (inclusive);
  3. Where the fee is based on the time of use, 4,000 minutes shall be counted as an account.
  1. Internet(Non-automatically updating)
  1. The registered members of each website are less than 200,000 accounts, a fixed amount data fee of NT$50,000 shall be paid per month.
  2. The registered members of each website are 200,000 accounts or more, a fixed amount data fee of NT$100,000 shall be paid per month
  1. Mobile Phone
A fixed amount data fee of NT$20,000 shall be paid per month for each mobile phone company concerned. The maximum monthly data fee payment for the operation of the said business shall be NT$100,000
  1. Cable TV: Fixed time turning page
A fixed amount data fee of NT$30,000 shall be paid per month.
  1. Securities voice
The data fee shall be based on the time consumed by the Information Users at NT$0.1 per minute. The maximum monthly data fee payment for the operation of the said business shall be NT$30,000.
  1. A user under a single account to receive the trading information over a wired network or wireless network with different types of devices
  1. Automatic updating: NT$12 per account per month.
  2. Non-automatic updating: NT$5 per account per month.
II. For applicants who are securities firms or futures commission merchants
License Fee
Charging criteria Amount Notes
Direct Connection Fee
  1. A securities firm that uses more than one set of direct connections : NT$30,000/month/ connection;
  2. A futures commission merchant for direct connection: NT$60,000/month/connection.
Data Fee
  1. A securities firm or a futures firm shall pay TWSE the data fee based on the total number of equipment installed for its headquarters and branches per month and in accordance with the "Table of Fixed Scaling Fee for Securities and Futures Firms" set out in Table 3".
  1. A securities firm approved by the TWSE to provide Trading Information on its website in its own name shall pay TWSE the data fee per month and in accordance with the "Table of Scaling" set out in Table 4.
III. For Non-Display Usage
Non-Display End User Guidelines


  1. Applicants shall pay the monthly fee to TWSE in accordance with these Criteria by the 15th day of the following month.
  2. The foregoing data fees shall be charged on a monthly basis and the calculation of such fees shall be based on the volume reported to TWSE on the final business day of each month.
For details about Market Information Fee of Real-time trading information, please refer to Criteria for Charging Fees-1: Real-Time Trading Information.


Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Market Data & Corporate Systems Dept.
TEL: 886-2-8101-3389
FAX: 886-2-8101-3378
E-mail: infoman@twse.com.tw