Consolidated Report of companies applying for capital increase before IPO
Code |
Type of Company |
Status |
Company |
Underwriter |
Purpose of the application |
Amount(thousand NTD) |
Tentative Issue Price |
Date application received |
Date of subsequent supplementation by the applicant |
Date the registration is suspended |
Date the suspension is removed |
Date the registration becomes effective |
Note 1 |
Note 2 |
Date of withdrawal by the applicant |
Date of rejection |
Date of revocation (voidance) |
2646 |
Emerging stocks |
The case is not yet closed |
星宇航空股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
4,700,000,000 |
20 |
2024/09/06 |
2024/09/18 |
7-Day time frame |
6862 |
Foreign enterprises |
Effective |
三集瑞-KY |
永豐金證券股份有限公司 |
Retroactive handling of public issuance |
440,000 |
2024/08/19 |
2024/09/04 |
12-Day time frame |
6862 |
Foreign enterprises |
Effective |
三集瑞-KY |
永豐金證券股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
60,000 |
148 |
2024/08/19 |
2024/09/04 |
12-Day time frame |
6873 |
Effective |
泓德能源科技股份有限公司 |
元大證券股份有限公司 |
100,000 |
172 |
2024/07/31 |
2024/08/09 |
7-Day time frame |
6923 |
Emerging stocks |
Effective |
中台資源科技股份有限公司 |
元大證券股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
92,636 |
78 |
2024/07/29 |
2024/08/07 |
7-Day time frame |
6988 |
Effective |
威力暘電子股份有限公司 |
兆豐證券股份有限公司 |
Retroactive handling of public issuance |
460,000 |
2024/07/26 |
2024/08/13 |
12-Day time frame |
6988 |
Effective |
威力暘電子股份有限公司 |
兆豐證券股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
28,760 |
35 |
2024/07/26 |
2024/08/13 |
12-Day time frame |
6919 |
Emerging stocks |
Effective |
Caliway Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. |
Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd |
Capital increase before IPO |
70,000 |
500 |
2024/07/12 |
2024/07/23 |
7-Day time frame |
6958 |
Emerging stocks |
Effective |
日盛台駿國際租賃股份有限公司 |
台新綜合證券股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
222,230 |
30 |
2024/07/08 |
2024/07/17 |
7-Day time frame |
6838 |
Emerging stocks |
Effective |
台新藥股份有限公司 |
凱基證券股份有限公司 |
Capital increase before IPO |
168,000 |
36 |
2024/06/25 |
2024/07/04 |
7-Day time frame |