
【Financial data of FCMs concurrently operating securities business】Monthly Statistics

【Financial data of FCMs concurrently operating securities business】Monthly Statistics

Historical Data Download from :
Condensed Balance Sheet and Condensed Comprehensive Income Statement of FCMs concurrently operating securities business. Note: The figures in the statistics are compiled by individual securities firms and not audited by CPAs. For financial statements, please refer to the Market Observation Post System (https://emops.twse.com.tw/ ).
1. Files on this page are provided in zip format. Please download and unzip a file before opening it in Microsoft Excel 2007 or below. 2. Statistics are available on January 1999 and onward. They are updated on the 20th trading day every month. 3. In the event of any discrepancy between the information on this webpage and information announced officially by the TWSE, the announcement shall apply. 4. The information on this webpage is for reference purposes only and should not be considered as advice related to trading securities.