
Listed Companies Monthly Statistics

Statistics Name Statistics Content
P/E Ratio & Yield & P/B Ratio of Listed Stocks Includes monthly stock closing prices, P/E ratio, dividend yields, and P/B ratio.
Info on Listed Companies' Fund Raising of Listed Companies Includes capital increased by cash, Initial Public Offerings, issuance of corporate bonds.
Operating Revenue of Domestic Listed Companies Includes operating revenue of domestic listed companies.
(ps. The statistical coverage of the report includes only domestic listing companies. Since Jan. 2013, the operating revenue have adopted the figures for IFRS consolidated financial reporting. From Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2012, the operating revenue of the financial holding company adopted the sum of its subsidiaries, and the operating revenue of the investment holding company adopted the amount of the parent company. From Jul. 2011 to Dec. 2011, the operating revenue of the holding company adopted the sum of its subsidiaries. Before Jun. 2011, the operating revenue of the holding company adopted the parent and its subsidiaries revenue totals.)
Status of Securities Listed on TWSE Includes statistical highlights of listed securities, indexes, trading statistics, daily trading activities of listed stocks, ten most active stocks of the month, ex-right stocks, ex-dividend stocks, listed securities.