Rewards Event

2023 TIB Qualified Investors Registration Lottery

The Lottery aims to promote and increase the number of Qualified Investors registration in the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) in order to being more trading volume and attract more high-quality companies to list on TIB.
Event Period
The Lottery will be held on a monthly basis from April to December, 2023 (a total of 9 months).
Contact Information
Collaborating Partner: Brix Ltd. (02) 8773-6861 #303 Amanda Wang
Organizer: TWSE Trading Department (02) 8101-3132 Jane Chou.
To participate in the event, Qualified Investors must have signed, uploaded a risk disclosure statement, and passed the suitability review conducted by brokerage firms. Note: If the risk disclosure statement is expired, the participant will lose eligibility for the Lottery.

2023 Contest for Brokerage Firms Promoting TIB Qualified Investors

This Contest is to promote the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB), to attract more Qualified Investors, and to reward securities firms to encourage suitable clients to become Qualified Investors.
Contest Period
The Contest will be held on a monthly basis from April to December, 2023 (a total of 9 months).
Contact Information
TWSE Trading Department (02) 8101-3132 Jane Chou.
  1. The Contest is open to securities firms which operate securities brokerage business; each place of business operation is deemed a separate participant.
  2. If a brokerage firm’s place of operations is terminated, it shall be disqualified from the Contest on the termination date of its business operation; however, data from the month of termination shall still count toward its monthly ranking.
  3. Newly established places of operations for brokerage firms shall be eligible to participate in the Contest from the commencement date of its business operations.
  4. In the case of a merger or assignment of a brokerage firm’s place of operations, the securities firm which assumes the business and continues operations in the same place of operations may continue as a participant in the Contest.
The head office of each securities firm should file information regarding the number of net increase TIB Qualified Investor accounts on the “One-Stop Window for Securities Firm Filings” on behalf of their branch offices. Only those who have complete filing are deemed to have entered the Contest.
The brokerage firms with total number of 50 net increase in Qualified Investor accounts per month, can participate in the following competitions:
※Quarterly adjustments will be announced on this website.

  1. Brokerage Firm Dedication Award
    The top 10 brokerage firms (single place of operations) in growth rate of net increase in Qualified Investor accounts for the month, shall be awarded NT$20,000. Note: Rankings based on the filing data from the “One-Stop Portal for Securities Firm Filings.”
  2. Brokerage Firm Achievement Award
    The top 10 brokerage firms (single place of operations) in total number of net increase in Qualified Investor accounts for the month, shall be awarded NT$20,000. Note: Rankings based on the filing data from the “One-Stop Portal for Securities Firm Filings.”
  3. Excellence in Leadership Award
    For brokerage firms ranking among the top 10 for the Brokerage Firm Achievement Award for the month, an additional NT$20,000 shall be awarded to the branch manager or supervisor of said place of operations.
  4. Outstanding Contribution Award
    The top 10 brokers for each month who have signed up the highest number of natural persons, namely those meeting the criteria of Qualified Investors and having signed the TIB Risk Disclosure Statement, shall be awarded NT$30,000. Note: Rankings based on the filing data from the “Qualified Investors in TIB register website.”
Award Announcement Date
The list of winning securities firms and brokers for each month will be announced on the TIB page of the TWSE website on the 16th of the following month from May 2023 to January 2024 (or the next working day if the 16th falls on a holiday). Winning securities firms will also be notified directly by the TWSE.