Our Approach to Sustainability
Analysis of material topics
As the main platform in Taiwan's securities market matching fundraising corporations and investors, the TWSE assists domestic companies in listing, raising capital and expanding operations, while protecting the rights and interests of shareholders in addition to building dialogue between various stakeholders. To strengthen stakeholder engagement, the TWSE has taken as reference the four principles of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (2018), which are inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness and impact. Furthermore, the reporting standards and management approach of material topics in the GRI Standards serve as a solid framework through which to identify and analyze material topics that concern stakeholders.
The TWSE value chain includes upstream partners (regulatory authorities, shareholders, suppliers, listed companies, intermediaries, media, NPOs, etc.), midstream operations (the TWSE and its employees), and downstream partners (customers and investors). The following lists the ten material topics identified in 2022, as well as the value chain positions and impact associated with each material topic.
TWSE management assessed the 10 material topics, their positive or negative economic, environmental, and human rights impact, as well as their actual/potential influence, degree of impact, and likelihood of occurring. These factors were compiled in preliminary findings and ranked for 2022.
Assessment procedure
Impact assessment results of material topics
The overall quantitative impact analysis of the 10 topics, as assessed by the TWSE management by degree of impact and likelihood, are presented below. Of the 10 material topics, management believes that "Trading Mechanism Innovation," "Corporate Governance," and "Information Security Management" in terms of their positive or negative economic, environmental, and human rights impact, are the three areas most likely to affect the TWSE significantly.
To determine the top three material topics in economic, environmental, and human rights impact, each topic's average score in "degree of impact" and "likelihood" in the three areas were weighted, tallied, and ranked.
For more information regarding the TWSE's actions and achievements in the 10 material topics, please refer to the section titled "Management Approach to Material Topics."
To further illustrate the material impacts on the TWSE, their positive or negative effects, and their degree of impact, the following table provides an overview of impacts, devoted resources and action plans, plus achievements in 2022.