Page 35 - 證交所108年報
P. 35

Annual Meeting of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) (二)鞏固臺灣、日本與韓國交易所三方合作,2019 年 3 月在臺舉辦三方首長會晤,9 月
赴日參與 ESG Workshop,推動三方就金融商品、人才交流、共同行銷進一步合作。 (三)配合政府新南向政策,積極與越南、馬來西亞、印尼等東協交易所及金融產官學
界密切交流,持續就專業技術及新商品等面向積極合作。 (四)截至年底,本公司已與國外 30 家交易所簽署 44 件有效備忘錄。
>> IV.International Business, Promotion & Marketing, and New Commodity Development
1.International Business and Cooperation
1) The TWSE actively participated in the meetings and affairs of international securities-related organizations, such as the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (AOSEF) and other global bodies. The TWSE participated in WFE statistics consultations, cyber security, sustainable finance, ETF exchange, Fintech and financial education working groups, as well as the AOSEF sustainable working group, sharing Taiwan's market development experience and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) promotion results and raising Taiwan's international visibility and influence.

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