Page 37 - 證交所108年報
P. 37

 2. 一般投資人推廣教育:包括社區大學理財講座、宣導畫冊—漫畫、製作證券金 融宣導 DVD 短片、金融服務愛心公益嘉年華、紅包袋暨吉祥賀卡應景文宣品。
3. 網路數位族群推廣教育:包括網路闖關有獎徵答活動、投資人知識網、臉書 (FB)粉絲專頁、FinTech Taipei 2019 臺北金融科技展。
4. 一般投資人服務:包括投資人服務專線、提供投資人查詢開戶及交易資料服務。
(三)2019 年本公司董事會後及針對重要議題(如公司治理評鑑結果、盤中全面逐筆交 易等)召開記者會近 15 場,對外發布中英日文新聞稿逾 1,300 則;辦理上市公 司重大訊息說明記者會逾 180 場;與國內主要財經媒體共同合作,舉辦 4 場次投 資座談會及投資講座。
1. 捐贈社福機構扶助經濟弱勢之老人、兒少家庭、身心障礙及疾病治療等弱勢族 群,辦理長者送餐、物資救援、醫療照護、社工輔導及經濟救助等活動。
2. 捐贈國內高中、國中、小學,辦理家庭經濟弱勢學生之餐費、課後照顧、書籍、 交通及住宿等就學必須費用。
3. 配合政府政策及與證券期貨周邊單位共同捐贈金融服務業教育公益基金、屏東 縣臺灣燈會、中華民國足球協會國際邀請賽、中華文化總會總統府音樂會、世 界婦女庇護安置大會、「金融有愛-食(實)物銀行」、大專生公益專班及偏 鄉足球運動等經費。
2.Promote Advocacy and Public Interest
1) In order to enhance capital market momentum, in addition to actively seeking for meetings between institutional investors and listed companies, along with listed and over the counter companies, the TWSE has actively attracted investment from global financial centers and potential new markets. There were a total of 11 foreign and domestic capital introduction events throughout the year, with more than 50 listed and over the counter companies participating. The TWSE also held more than 4,000 meetings with institutional investors and more than 800 people to augment international funds to Taiwan stocks.
2) Undertake securities investment and education promotion:
(1) Promotional education on campus: activities included securities knowledge workshops for teachers nationwide, the TWSE securities investment competition on campus, financial lectures, school and organization visits.

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