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Taiwan Stock Exchange

Promote International Cooperation

Association memberships

The TWSE has participated in numerous international events in recent years to assure parallel congruity on trends in the worldwide financial market and private sector. In recent years, the TWSE has actively promoted the Taiwan securities market, and used its memberships or affiliated memberships in domestic and global organizations to extensively observe and revise innovative methodologies that are beneficial and applicable to our market. The TWSE has utilized this to increase the exposure and visibility of Taiwan's market. The key associations that the TWSE and its subsidiaries participate in are tabulated below.

Deepen international connections

Fierce global competition among global stock markets is a fact of which the TWSE is keenly aware, and therefore necessitates the enhancement of its "international connections" and engagement in worldwide cooperation with the goal of further globalizing the Taiwan stock market. The TWSE signed 44 effective MOUs/MOCs with 30 exchanges, with cooperation expanding through product cross-listing, compiling joint indices, visits between top executives, professional technology workshops and joint marketing. These efforts extended the reach of the Taiwan securities market, attracted international capital to invest in the Taiwan stock market and also promoted Taiwan's advantages and strengths to elevate Taiwan's standing and positioning.

  • Gender equality initiative

    Led by the Chairman, President and senior executives, the TWSE participated in the WFE's "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" in March 2021 for the first time to raise our international visibility and highlight Taiwan's achievements in gender equality. The event, which also served as publicity for the Corporate Governance Evaluations, was featured on the TWSE's "The Taiwan Monthly" newsletter and WFE Focus, a monthly issue from the WFE and its member exchanges. In 2021, 107 exchanges participated in celebrating International Women's Day, and the TWSE was one of 24 exchanges highlighted in WFE Focus, complete with descriptions and photos of the event initiative to demonstrate the TWSE's commitment to promoting gender equality and Taiwan's achievements in ensuring women's empowerment.

    The TWSE held the WFE's "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" in March 2021.

  • APEC Financial Regulators Training Initiative ("FRTI")

    The TWSE joined the 2021 APEC FRTI to share the Taiwan market TDR & ETF development experience with over 150 financial regulators representing various jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific region. This year's APEC FRTI was co-hosted by the Asian Development Bank and Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia, and entirely presented by the TWSE, which effectively enhanced the public image and influence of our market, promoting exchange with financial markets in the New Southbound Policy and Asia-Pacific region.

  • Experience exchange during the pandemic:

    As many international conferences and activities of exchanges worldwide have moved online, it has proven a challenge to maintain channels of communication with other exchanges with the lack of opportunities to meet in person. However, the TWSE has worked proactively to build and strengthen friendships with the exchanges of Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and NASDAQ through video conferences or written correspondence.

    In addition, the TWSE has held a number of video conferences with the leaders of global exchanges, including the new President and CEO of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the regional director of Nomura Holdings, and the CEO of Borsa Istanbul, to convey our wishes to establish congenial relations and collaboration. These efforts have aided the TWSE in enhancing its global image and strengthening the network of relationships between exchanges. The TWSE is in serious dialogues with the exchanges of Japan and Malaysia to jointly develop ETFs and expand opportunities for international cooperation.