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Taiwan Stock Exchange


Workplace composition

The TWSE and its subsidiaries all have employee training policies and related plans in place to enhance employees' professional competencies and provide opportunities for diverse development. To ensure that employees apply learning to practice, employee performance review policies have been established to strengthen evaluation mechanisms, integrate management of training and assessment, and improve learning outcomes.

The TWSE is dedicated to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that is safe for all employees and prevents discrimination against gender or age. As of December 31, 2021, the TWSE and its subsidiaries employed 1,282 official and unofficial staff members (including 11 dispatch personnel at the TWSE and 15 temp workers at the TDCC), with a male-to-female employee ratio of 1.33:1, while the male-to-female ratio at TWSE (not including those employed at TWSE subsidiaries) was 1.22:1. A total of 17 disabled workers are employed at the TWSE and its subsidiaries, who are committed to developing their professional skills and upholding the equal employment rights of the mentally and physically disabled according to law.

  • New employees and employee turnover

    The TWSE and its subsidiaries provide comprehensive talent development mechanisms and employee benefits. Combined with a safe, diversified and friendly workplace, the TWSE and its subsidiaries are able to retain talent for longer periods of time and achieve a reasonable and healthy employee turnover rate. In 2021, 47 new employees (temp workers not included) were hired, bringing the new employee rate to 3.74%, up slightly from last year's 2.62%. A total of 38 employees (temp workers not included) left the TWSE and its subsidiaries this year, resulting in a turnover rate of 3.03%, down from last year's 4.05%.

Workplace equality

The TWSE and its subsidiaries have established adequate management approaches, promotion programs, training, grievance channels and related policies, to build internal cohesion within the company and make workplace equality a reality.

  • Training for human rights related issues

    The TWSE is on the front lines of maintaining order in the securities market; as such, regulatory compliance is our first priority. In addition to strict implementation of laws and regulations, the TWSE regularly holds briefings on gender equality and prevention of workplace violence or unlawful infringement. Each year, training courses are held to promote awareness of issues such as gender equality, sexual harassment prevention and workplace violence prevention.

    In 2021, the TWSE and TDCC conducted training for human rights related issues, focusing on sexual harassment prevention and gender equality issues.

  • Sexual harassment prevention, related grievance mechanisms and handling procedures

    The TWSE and its subsidiaries established the "Regulations for Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures, Grievances, and Penalties" to prevent and handle sexual harassment incidents in the workplace, provide a work and service environment free of sexual harassment, and protect the rights and privacy of the parties involved. The regulations provide appropriate measures to prevent, correct, punish, and handle reports of sexual harassment. Contents of the regulations include a definition of the scope of sexual harassment, the structure of a sexual harassment grievance committee, grievance and remedy mechanisms, review procedures, duty of confidentiality and counseling or medical referral services. With regard to protecting the parties involved, personnel that participate in the investigation are obligated to maintain confidentiality. Those found in violation face severe penalties in accordance with the regulations. The regulations and relevant measures are published on the TWSE's internal network for the reference of all employees.

    To assist employees in enhancing their ability to protect themselves and stamping out incidents of sexual harassment, the TWSE held two sessions in January 2021 introducing the employee assistance program ("EAP"), in a friendly workplace. A training course on building good workplace relationships, protective measures, and communication skills was conducted in November, focusing on communication in the workplace and prevention of workplace violence and sexual harassment. These three training courses related to human rights were well received and saw a total of 422 participants. The TWSE will continue to offer related courses to raise awareness of such issues among employees and reduce the risks of unlawful infringement in the workplace.

  • Directions for prevention of unlawful infringement in the performance of duties

    The prevention of workplace violence is just as important as the prevention of sexual harassment to the cultivation of a friendly workplace. The TWSE has established directions for the prevention of unlawful infringement in the performance of duties, establishing the formation of an investigatory team and follow-up procedures in the case of an employee complaint of workplace violence.

    Applicable to: All workers in the workplace could be the target of workplace violence.

  • Training for hazard prevention and communication skills

    To effectively curb the occurrence of workplace violence, the TWSE will regularly conduct the following education training courses:

    Risk assessment surveys concerning workplace violence will be conducted prior to and after the educational training courses, in order to judge employees' awareness of issues related to workplace violence and serve as a basis for risk analysis and outcome evaluation.

A safe workplace

To prevent occupational accidents and ensure employees' safety and health, the TWSE has established the Occupational Safety and Health Committee. In accordance with Article 34 of the "Occupational Safety and Health Act," the TWSE and TDCC have established the "Safety and Health Work Rules" to maintain and improve the occupational safety and health of employees.

  • Occupational Safety and Health Committee

    The TWSE Occupational Safety and Health Committee, headed by the TWSE President, is convened each quarter. Labor representatives comprise three of the nine committee members, with labor and management working together to promote a healthy and safe workplace culture. To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee distributed disinfectant alcohol, face masks, safety goggles and other protective gear. Emergency and evacuation gear were also replaced so as to minimize the dangers posed to employees in case of disaster.

  • Occupational safety training sessions

    To facilitate all workers to understand and abide by occupational safety and health related laws and regulations, and to prevent accidents and occupational accidents from occurring, the TWSE and its subsidiaries require all employees to receive safety and health training necessary for their work in accordance with the "Safety and Health Work Rules." The TWSE held a diverse range and number of sessions, such as disaster prevention and response, fire safety, and emergency drills, to strengthen employees' emergency prevention and response capabilities. In 2021, the TWSE held five hours of fire prevention drills and three hours of emergency training with 252 people in attendance.

  • Work-related injuries

    The TWSE also takes work-related injury rates into consideration in its assessment of workplace health and safety policies. In 2021, two work-related injury incidents were reported in accordance with the "Occupational Safety and Health Act," one of which was a traffic accident on the way to work. The TWSE reported the incidents to the occupational safety and health management entities when employees requested leave, and reached out in concern when employees were sick or injured, even making visits to those who were hospitalized. If an employee requests more than one day of leave for a work-related injury, the case is reported to the competent labor authority in the following month.

Training and performance review

  • Five types of training

    The TWSE values the career development of its employees and provides suitable professional training courses tailor-made for different learning objectives to enhance their capabilities. In addition, the TWSE offers its employees a wide range of managerial courses, including financial ethics, personal data protection, information security and more. There are also a variety of health and wellness courses to promote employees' physical, mental and spiritual health.

    The TWSE offers different approaches to providing training courses, including internal training, e-learning, and assigning employees to external training courses. Employees can also apply to attend external training courses. The TWSE aims to comprehensively enrich the professional experience and knowledge of employees through regular and ongoing training, the sharing of learning resources, and in-company discussions.

    To assess the results and optimize the planning of training courses, as well as enable employees to more effectively absorb and utilize the information learned, the TWSE assesses and evaluates all training results in the human resource management system, which compiles and analyzes the data by the number of times, hours, and participants of each type of course. Training assessment also includes in-class tests, assessment tests, self-assessment, performance review and interviews.

  • Employee training hours

    In 2021, the average training time of TWSE employees and its subsidiaries was 89 hours, increasing by 16% from 76.5 hours in 2020.

    Average training time per employee = Total training time of all employees / Number of formal employees

    • Note 1: "Manager" refers to department heads or above.

    • Note 2: Training hours for the TDCC are totaled without differentiation of rank or gender.

  • Performance review

    To accurately evaluate employees' work performance and offer proper development in their career growth, which will drive business development, the TWSE and its subsidiaries all have established employee annual performance review mechanisms. All TWSE employees and its subsidiaries conducted these reviews in 2021. To ensure the fairness and reasonableness of performance reviews, the TWSE and its subsidiaries have established internal policies for grievances to protect employees' compliant rights.

Labor relations

  • Collective agreement

    In 2015, the TWSE signed a collective agreement with the labor union in accordance with the "Collective Agreement Act" to protect labor rights, interests and employee benefits, promote labor-management harmony, enhance work efficiency and pursue sustainable development. The agreement covers articles related to labor rights stipulated in labor laws, offering labor law courses for new employees, talent recruitment, providing the labor union with an on-site office and personnel, and periodically convening labor-management related meetings as required by law. Upon the conclusion of the first collective agreement in 2018, both sides convened a special committee to negotiate the second collective agreement. After four years of collective bargaining, the TWSE and the labor union reached an agreement and held the second collective agreement ceremony on May 3, 2022.

  • Labor union participation rate

    The labor union is an important organization for protecting labor rights and interests and communicating with management. The TWSE is open-minded with regards to participation in the labor union, and the rate exceeded 98%. This not only shows that employees take their work rights seriously, but also that they seek to jointly pursue growth with the Company.

  • Labor-management communication

    The TWSE is committed to maintaining clear channels of communication with the labor union. Labor-management meetings are convened on a monthly basis (the "Labor Standards Act" only requires quarterly meetings), with 12 meetings held in 2021. There are nine labor representatives and nine management representatives, with a Senior Executive Vice President acting as chair. Labor representatives are all employees who do not hold management positions. The meetings are convened for the purpose of facilitating communication and cooperation. Actual agendas are based on the labor-management issues proposed each time, such as improving labor relations, working conditions and employee benefits. In 2021, the most pressing topic related to the company's response to the pandemic, including additional pandemic insurance for employees and the provision of protective gear. Furthermore, employee grievance channels are disclosed on the company's internal website.

A happy workplace

  • Employee benefits

    The TWSE and its subsidiaries truly believe that the quality of employee benefits is key to having employees work without any worries and live a happy life. Hence, a wide variety of benefits are provided through arrangements made by the Employee Welfare Committee to ensure that every employee is properly cared for.

  • Implementing workplace health management

    The TWSE and its subsidiaries provide various health promotion activities to raise employees' awareness of proper health concepts, such as nutrition and first-aid techniques, to prevent health issues and maintain employee well-being.

  • Promote healthy leisure activities

    The TWSE has established the Employee Welfare Committee Club Guidance for the operation of clubs. The TWSE also provides subsidies for clubs. The TWSE currently has 13 clubs (including those for table tennis, badminton, golf, softball, cycling, Tai chi, yoga, Buddhism studies, basketball, board games, choir, photography and fitness) which convene regularly scheduled activities and annual meetings, enriching the lives of employees outside the office and achieving the goal of maintaining employees' physical and mental health.

    To enhance internal cohesion and promote sports, the TWSE organizes an annual sports meet each year and encourages employees to bring their families to join. This event achieves team building and allows family members to become better acquainted with the TWSE community as a whole. The 2021 sports meet was conducted at various locations across different times due to pandemic prevention measures.

    In years when pandemic measures were not implemented, the TWSE invites retired employees to the year-end dinner party every year to show gratitude for their contributions to the TWSE, which also expresses the TWSE's human-focused corporate culture.

    The TWSE offers a wide range of exercise classes to promote physical and mental health, including cardio training, aerobics and introduction to using workout equipment. A class demonstrating the healing power of plants encourages students to engage in gardening activities so as to achieve physical, mental and spiritual balance.

  • Childbearing and childcare support measures

    The TWSE and its subsidiaries established a thorough childbirth benefit system for before, during and after childbirth, allowing employees and their families to receive proper care.

Embracing Society

The TWSE has been committed to engaging in various charitable activities for decades in order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. Substantial resources have been contributed to those providing care for the vulnerable, education for the disadvantaged, employment guidance for college and university students, and sports promotion. Referencing the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (the "SDGs") and 169 targets, the TWSE has identified that its charitable contributions align with the five goals of SDG 1 "No poverty," SDG 2 "Zero hunger," SDG 3 "Good health and well-being," SDG 4 "Quality education," and SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth."

Among these, care for the disadvantaged is of particular concern. Through supporting charitable fundraising and continued funding for social welfare organizations that the TWSE has been involved in for many years, the TWSE seeks to embody the spirit of community engagement. By joining hands with all corners of society, the TWSE continues to spread benevolence and care, doing our utmost to offer warmth and heartfelt kindness to make Taiwan a better place for all its citizens.

  • MOHW Charity Donations Destined for Social Welfare Funds

    Starting in 2019, to extend social care and expand care for the vulnerable, the TWSE has supported charitable organizations authorized by the MOHW Charity Donations Destined for Social Welfare Funds Administration System, including those that assist families and children in need, the vulnerable elderly and women, the disabled and those in disease treatment. In 2021, the TWSE donated TWD31.6 million to properly registered charitable organizations via the System, benefiting a total of 174 social welfare organizations.

  • United Way of Taiwan

    Since 2019, the TWSE has supported smaller social welfare organizations through the United Way of Taiwan, a domestic coalition of charitable organizations. Through careful assessment of the needs of social welfare organizations, United Way of Taiwan supervises the flow and utilization of donations to ensure effective integration of social resources for the most urgent of social welfare organizations and vulnerable groups.

  • Food (Necessities) Bank

    Since 2015, the TWSE has supported the "Food (Necessities) Bank" convened by the FSC for seven consecutive years. Through a joint donation drive organized by TAIFEX, the TWSE distributes charitable supplies to vulnerable children, elderly individuals, the poor, the disabled, and those in emergency situations to help them overcome economic hardship. To date, this charitable giving has helped over 1.5 million people.

Education for the disadvantaged

    School Education Special Savings Account ("SESSA") program

  • To bridge the education gap between urban and rural areas, plus make equal opportunity education a reality, the TWSE engaged in campus assistance programs through the charity initiative "Love and Care of Financial Institutions for Disadvantaged Students" and to the School Education Special Savings Account on the Ministry of Education's philanthropy fundraising platform from 2019. The funds were used to help economically disadvantaged students by providing basic needs for completing compulsory education, such as meals, after-school care, books and more. The TWSE donated TWD31.21 million in 2021.

  • Financial Services Education Fund

    In 2015, the TWSE began to donate TWD10 million each year to the Financial Services Education Fund established by the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable ("TFSR"). In 2021 a total of nearly TWD100 million was raised, part of it was spent on scholarships for students with superior academic performance from low-income households to help them earn a university degree. The remaining funds were used to promote fundamental financial education to vulnerable students, so they may have the opportunity to acquire financial knowledge and understanding.

  • Financial Literacy for Youth ("FLY") Courses

    In 2015, the TWSE began to participate in the Financial Literacy for Youth ("FLY") Courses organized by the TDCC. The program offers a series of professional financial training courses and sharing of experience aimed at economically disadvantaged college and university students, and has proven effective in helping vulnerable young students enter the financial industry, raise their competitiveness and improve their lives.

  • Sports promotion

    Soccer tournament

    In 2015, the TWSE, Pou Chen Group, the TDCC and TAIFEX cooperatively implemented the "Joint Corporate Sponsorship Soccer Promotion Plan." In 2021, the TWSE donated TWD570,000 to sponsor training, in order to support soccer development in rural schools, with the goal of promoting the development of soccer in Taiwan.

    Golf training program

    In 2021, the TWSE donated TWD400,000 to the Golf Association of the ROC to cultivate outstanding youth with great potential into future champions.