Page 14 - 證交所108年報
P. 14

 2019 年營業報告書 Annual Business Report 2019
前言 Introduction
2019 年,雖受美中貿易戰、英國脫歐、國際政經局勢不明等影響,臺股在穩健的基 本面支撐下,收盤指數在 12 月 18 日創下最高 12,122.45 點。最後營業日加權股價指數為 11,997.14 點,較前(2018)年底上漲 2,269.73 點,漲幅 23.33%;上市股票總市值 36.41 兆元,創歷史新高。上市證券平均日成交值為 1,200.69 億元,雖較前年 1,302.12 億元,減 少 7.79%,仍是近 12 年次高;其中,上市股票全年平均日成交值為 1,093.58 億元,較前 年之 1,198.74 億元,減少 8.77%。
In 2019, despite the impact of the US-China trade war, Brexit, and an unknown international political and economic situation, Taiwan stocks were supported by solid fundamentals. The closing index reached a high of 12,122.45 points on December 18. The Taiwan Weighted Stock Index recorded 11,997.14 points on the final business day, an increase of 2,269.73 points or 23.33% over the previous year (2018). The aggregate market value of TWSE-listed stocks was TWD 36.41 trillion, a record high. The annual average daily trading value of TWSE-listed stocks was TWD 120.07 billion, which was the second highest in 12 years despite decreasing by 7.79% compared with TWD 130.21 billion in the previous year. The average daily trading value of TWSE-listed securities was TWD 109.36 billion, a decrease of 8.77% from TWD 119.87 billion in 2018.

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