On July 3, 2023, the TWSE will unveil its new corporate identity on the world stage, with the aim of establishing a trustworthy brand image for investors and stakeholders. As we lead Taiwan's enterprises forward with our motto of "Partners Today Tomorrow and Beyond," the TWSE is also launching a series of Global Trailblazing Initiatives, including adding new industry classifications, compiling industry-themed indices, establishing the ESG InfoHub, and creating the Investment InfoHub.

New Industry Classification

With four new industrial categories, the TWSE harnesses the power of the new economy and driving force for global growth, shining a spotlight on high-potential industrial clusters.

  1. Green Energy and Environmental Services
  2. Digital and Cloud Services
  3. Sports and Leisure
  4. Household

New Economy Industry Indices

To record the development of new economic industries in the capital market, Taiwan Index Plus Co.(TIP) expands four industry indices under the TAIEX Index Series – Green Energy and Environmental Services, Digital and Cloud Services, Sports and Leisure, Household. TIP also compiles TIP Taiwan New Economy Industry TM Index, and TIP Taiwan Innovation Board Index.

ESG InfoHub

For your every ESG investing need, ESG InfoHub has it all: ESG reporting for listed companies, ESG products, foreign and domestic ESG-related regulations, and easy-to-follow educational materials.

Investment InfoHub 2.0

  1. All-in-one data platform for your investment strategies
  2. Visualized analytical tools deliver digestible data at a glance
  3. Mobile device friendly interface