Page 47 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 47

壹、形塑特色產業聚落 一、疫情及地緣政治牽動全球供應鏈產業重新洗牌,並引領了全球經濟發展趨勢,本公 司承循創新板營造創新永續聚落經驗,由社會產業轉型及投資人需求角度,進階推 展發掘潛力的新興產業,形塑及開發產業價值,以營造資本市場不僅以半導體產業 著稱,而為全方位特色產業聚落。 二、規劃精進調整上市公司產業類別,依據投資人重視未來成長性的角度切入,打造產 業新亮點。研擬新增數位雲端、綠能環保之新經濟類別,並因應國人重視健康及生 活品質暨國內產業發展規模,新增運動休閒、居家生活類別,期望引導投資人重新 認識企業供應鏈生態系與未來發展性,提升評價估值。 I. Forging High-potential Industrial Clusters 1. The pandemic and seismic geopolitical shifts have completely upended global supply chains and economic development trends. In response, the TWSE has turned to the TIB’s focus on innovative and sustainable industry clusters to meet the needs of investors as well as social and industrial transformation. The TWSE will continue to develop and support emerging industries with high potential, and by unlocking and nurturing their inherent value, the capital market will grow to accommodate other high- potential industrial clusters in addition to Taiwan’s high-value semiconductor industry. 2. The TWSE will adjust and refine the industrial categories of listed companies so as to highlight new industries based on their growth potential to investors. The TWSE plans to add new categories such as Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, and Green- energy technology. Other additions, including Sport and Leisure as well as Home and Lifestyle, are based on the growing focus on health, quality of life, and subsequent expansion of related domestic industries. The TWSE seeks to introduce investors to the investment opportunities, growth potential, and enhance valuations presented by these industry ecosystems. ANNUAL REPORT  2022 年報  45 

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