Page 22 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 22

貳、交易市場 一、股價指數走勢及成交量值 2022 年,臺股加權股價指數於 1 月 4 日為最高 18,526.35 點,惟隨著疫情及國際 政經情勢演變下,趨使全球股市走弱,我國股市亦在諸等事件衝擊下,指數於 10 月 25 日下跌至年度最低點 12,666.12 點。所幸,我國基本面表現穩健,全球主要股市回升, 支撐指數回穩。最後營業日加權股價指數 14,137.69 點,較 2021 年底下跌 22.40%。 最高及最低點相差達 5,860.23 點。 II.Trading Market 1. Stock Index Trend and Trading Volume/Value In 2022, TAIEX peaked on January 4 at 18,526.35 points. However, global markets shrank due to the effects of the pandemic plus international political and economic impacts, resulting in a decline in Taiwan’s stock market performance and TAIEX bottoming at 12,666.12 points on October 25. Fortunately, with our listed companies’ solid fundamentals, TAIEX rebounded as major global stock markets recovered. On the last day of trading in 2022, TAIEX closed at 14,137.69 points, 22.40% down from year-end 2021, with a difference of 5,860.23 points between the year’s highest and lowest peaks. 2022 年加權股價指數走勢如下圖: The index price chart for the year of 2022 is as follows: 2022 年發行量加權股價指數圖 2022 TAIEX chart  18,526.35 111/01/04 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 20,000    18,218.84 110/12/30 14,137.69 111/12/30 12,666.12 111/10/25             20 1/31 2/28 3/31 4/30 5/31 6/30 7/31 8/31 9/30 10/31 11/30 12/31 日 期 Date 股 價 指 數 Stock index 

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