Page 15 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 15

 面對全球資本市場競爭,本公司將繼續秉持竭誠服務的理念,以創新思維塑造更友 善、便捷的籌資與投資環境,為臺灣產業及資本市場營造全球曝光度而努力。期盼各位 股東和全體市場參與者與本公司共同維護臺灣資本市場永續發展,締造企業、投資人、 資本巿場多贏局面。 Given ever-intensifying global competition among capital markets, the TWSE remains steadfast in upholding its principle of offering high-quality service. Through innovative considerations, the TWSE will forge a more approachable, convenient fund-raising and investment environment, plus work relentlessly to bring Taiwan industries and the capital market into the global spotlight. The TWSE is keen on working with all shareholders and market participants to further the sustainable development of Taiwan’s capital market, achieving success for corporations, investors, and the market alike. ANNUAL REPORT  2022 年報 13 

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