Page 13 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 13

 在「提升臺灣資本市場能見度」方面,持續參與 WFE、AOSEF 及 IOSCO 等國際證 券組織會議及事務,與 20 餘家各國證券市場機構交流,為未來業務合作奠定根基。亦 與日本、韓國、新加坡等友好交易所進行首長雙邊會議,鞏固交易所網路連結,並就上 市、監理、商品等運作實務等交換意見。2022 年共辦理 8 場實體及線上引資,邀請 1,500 位機構法人與 221 家次公司進行會談,規模更勝以往。且為便利國際投資人查詢上市 公司資訊,參採外國常用之網站查詢方式,於 2022 年 4 月推出新版雙語查詢入口網站 「ezSearch 公告快易查」,查詢方式快速、簡易、直覺化,提升資訊揭露之品質。 To increase the visibility of Taiwan’s capital market, the TWSE continues to proactively take part in the meetings and affairs of international securities-related organizations, such as the WFE, AOSEF, IOSCO, and other global bodies. The TWSE met with representatives from over 20 international exchanges and market institutions, paving the way for future collaboration. In addition, to strengthen ties between exchanges, meetings were held with the stock exchanges CEOs, such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore, on practical operations as share listing, supervision, and new products. In 2022, the TWSE held eight in-person and online capital introduction events and met with over 1,500 institutional investors and 221 companies, surpassing the scale of such events in previous years. To facilitate international investors accessing listed companies’ information and improve the quality of information disclosure, the TWSE launched the bilingual inquiry website – “ezSearch” – on April 28, enabling users to switch to English-language interface in a quick, simple, and intuitive manner. ANNUAL REPORT  2022 年報 11 

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