Page 8 - 臺灣證券交易所2021年報
P. 8

     06 臺股具有高殖利率及合理本益比優勢,2021 年因臺股漲幅較高,現金股利殖利率略 降為 2.56%,惟過去五年殖利率平均為 3.47%,是全球投資報酬率較高的市場;本益比 14.94 倍,與各主要市場比較,仍屬合理。此外,臺股受國際資金青睞,近年外資持有 臺股市值比重約為 4 成,多屬長期投資,2021 年底持股比重 43.48%。 國人參與股市投資意願亦顯著提升,散戶成交值比重由前年 62% 增加至去年 68%, 全年有交易人數 550 萬人,連兩年創新紀錄,較往年約 300 萬人顯著增加。最近兩年總 開戶人數成長快速,2021 年總開戶人數達 1,201 萬人,新增開戶達 77 萬人;其中,20 至 30 歲年輕族群最為熱烈,開戶人數近兩年每年增加 20 餘萬人。 Taiwan’s securities boast a competitive advantage in its high dividend yield and moderate P/E ratio. The cash dividend yield fell to 2.56% in 2021 due to a higher jump in stock prices; however, the average dividend yield over the last five years is still one of the highest rates among global stock markets at 3.47%. The P/E ratio of Taiwan’s stock market is 14.94, which is quite reasonable compared to major global markets. Furthermore, the Taiwan stock market is attractive to international capital, mostly for long-term investment. Foreign investors held an average of 40% of the market capitalization in recent year, and in 2021 the number was 43.48%. Market participation involvement has also risen among the Taiwanese public. Retail investors accounted for 68% of the market’s total trading value in 2021, up from 62% in 2020. The number of active stock investors for the year rose to 5.5 million, breaking the record for the second year in a row, and up significantly from the average of three million people in past years. The number of new accounts opened has also seen rapid growth, with 770,000 new accounts created, and bringing the total number of accounts in 2021 to 12.01 million. It is especially of note that the number of new accounts opened annually for the past two years among the 20 to 30-year-old demographic has surpassed 200,000, marking an area of exciting new advancement.  

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