Page 32 - 臺灣證券交易所2021年報
P. 32

   參、電腦應用與資訊服務 一、系統升級 (一)證券期貨相關機構於 11 月 30 日成立「證券暨期貨市場電腦緊急應變支援小組」 (SF-CERT),全天候協助證券期貨業者應變資安事件。另藉由 SF-CERT 提供 業者資安演練,強化其資安意識與事件應變處理能量,保障整體市場交易安全。 (二)強化公開資訊觀測站資料庫,提升資料庫管理一致性、便於各應用系統與資料庫 之串接、整合維運工具,及增進資料庫維運安全,以提升系統穩定性及資安防護。 (三)強化交易系統身分驗證之安全性,使用者登入時須採用多重因子身分驗證機制 (RSA 載具產生驗證碼),並增加帳號管理相關資安控制措施,以提升市場持續 營運安全。 (四)辦理市場關鍵資料每日備份,並完成磁帶資料抽檢作業及兩次異地備援測試,以 強化市場關鍵資料保全及驗證作業。   (五)強化電腦機房維運安全,評估電磁波脈衝等新型態威脅納入防護之可行性。 III. Computer Application and Information Services 1. System Upgrade 1) The peripheral units of the securities and futures industry co-organized the Securities and Futures Computer Emergency Response Team (“SF-CERT”) on November 30, providing members with 24/7 assistance in response to security incidents. The SF-CERT goal is to enhance brokers’ awareness and abilities to respond to security incidents and safeguard the cyber security of the capital market. 2) To improve the Market Observation Post System (“MOPS”) database, system stability, and information security protection, consistent standards were applied in database management allowing for enhanced connectivity between applications and the database, integrated operations and maintenance, plus upgraded database security. 3) To strengthen the security in identity verification in the trading system, a user login is secured using multi-factor authentication (security code generated by the RSA). Cyber security measures have been added to account management to ensure continued and secure market operations.    30 

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