Page 8 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 8

   交易新制方面,逐筆交易與盤中零股兩大交易制度分別於 3 月及 10 月順利上線, 除與國際接軌外,亦讓年輕人與小資族群有機會參與高價股的投資,達成普惠金融的目 的;2020 年總開戶人數淨增加 67 萬,實際交易人數 438 萬,雙雙寫下新猷,由於臺股 市場活絡,使證券交易稅稅收達 1,502 億元,年增逾 6 成,挹注國庫收入。
在疫情衝擊下,全體上市公司去年營收逆勢成長 1.12%,市場給予上市公司較高 估值評價,使臺股平均本益比增至 22.37 倍;因臺股漲幅較大,現金股利殖利率略降為 2.81%,但與國際各主要市場相比仍屬優異,且過去五年殖利率平均達 4%以上,是全 球投資報酬率較高的市場;此外,良善的公司治理是健全資本市場最重要的基礎,臺灣 獲「2020 年亞洲公司治理評鑑」第四名,為歷年最佳成績。
With regard to new trading measures, continuous trading and intraday odd lot trading were successfully launched in March and October. These measures positioned the Taiwan stock market with global practices and achieved the objective of financial inclusion for all by allowing young investors the opportunity to invest in blue chip stocks. The number of new accounts opened last year reached an all-time high of 670,000, while the number of active stock investors rose to a record high of 4.38 million. As a result of market momentum, the securities transaction tax reached TWD 150.2 billion for the entire year, up over 60% YoY, injecting revenue into the National Treasury.
Although the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was felt worldwide, Taiwan's listed companies as a whole boasted a 1.12% growth in revenue in 2020. Higher valuations for our listed companies have brought the average price-to-earnings ratio of Taiwan's stock market up to 22.37, whereas the cash dividend yield slightly fell to 2.81% due to a bigger jump in stock prices; however, the average dividend yield over the last five years was still above 4%, one of the highest rates among global stock markets. Moreover, the most significant foundation for a healthy capital market is good corporate governance, and Taiwan is ranked a record-breaking 4th in corporate governance according to the Asian Corporate Governance Association's "CG Watch 2020."

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