Page 7 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 7

      Looking back over the past year, the Taiwan stock market was adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, with Taiwan's price-weighted index falling to a low of 8,681.34 on March 19. Auspiciously, Taiwan's exceptional prevention of COVID-19, solid stock fundamentals, and an environment of global monetary easing all contributed to an upward momentum in the stock market, pushing the closing index on the final business day in 2020 to an all-year high of 14,732.53, up 22.8% from the end of 2019. This was a record-breaking year for many market indicators: total securities trading value reached TWD 49.18 trillion and average daily trading value was TWD 200.75 billion, up 69.26% and 67.19% respectively from the previous year; market value of listed securities reached TWD 44.9 trillion, increasing 23.32%; and the proportion of market value held by foreign investors rose to 44.98%.
同心協力 共創佳績

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