Page 14 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 14

 12 展望新的一年,面對詭譎多變國際政經環境,本公司承載我國資本市場永續發展之 核心要角,當戮力不懈開創市場發展契機,積極深化與投資人、發行人及中介機構連結 與交流,期能迎合市場各參與者期待與需求。本公司將不僅賡續完成去年各項未竟之亮 點業務,另亦因應全球供應鏈生態的重組,發掘未來新興產業經濟,營造價值投資,形 塑資本市場「全方位特色產業聚落」。同時,在後疫情時代全球解封,啟動實體招商引 資,親赴歐美、東南亞等地區,一步一腳印地布建國際連結及觸角,引領優質的公司來 台上市,攜手出走的外資返台投資,並進一步深化與國際交易所合作,優化本公司服務 及官網,以迎戰「資本市場國際盃」,成為全球矚目的焦點。此外,我國市場向以散戶 為主力,且近年更持續吸引年輕族群加入,而維護市場公平、公正、公開及投資人保護, 乃本公司長久以來不容佇足不前的神聖使命,2023 年除精進發行、交易及監理機制外, 持續透過多元管道加強對不同族群投資人教育宣導,提醒國人避免落入金融詐騙陷阱, 以達保護投資人目的。 Looking to the New Year, the TWSE is dedicated to evolving the sustainable development of Taiwan’s capital market, even when faced with volatile and changing international political and economic conditions. Working tirelessly to expand market opportunities, the TWSE has deepened ties and interactions with investors, issuers, and intermediaries to fulfill the needs of all market participants. The TWSE will continue to realize the major tasks of 2022. Furthermore, in response to shifting global supply chains, the TWSE will forge high-potential industrial clusters to develop and support emerging industries, unlock value investing, and augment our capital market. As epidemic prevention measures are relaxed and we enter the post-pandemic era, the TWSE has reinitiated in-person capital introduction events and expanded our reach to new locations around the world, with visits to enterprises in Europe, the Americas, and Southeast Asia to attract high-quality companies to list in Taiwan. At the same time, the TWSE is persuading foreign capital to return, reinforcing collaboration with global exchanges, and optimizing services and online presence in the goal of boosting our competitiveness and raising our visibility in the global arena. With retail investors accounting for a major part of our market, and recent efforts to interest youth to invest, the TWSE has always had the undertaking of market transparency and integrity upon which investors can be ensured of a just, fair, and open market for all. In 2023, the TWSE will enhance issuance, trading, and monitoring mechanisms, but we will also continue to enrich investor education for different target audiences through various channels. Prevent investors from falling for financial fraud and scams. 

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