Page 46 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 46

一、提升整體市場資安防護能力,確保交易網路安全,規劃汰舊換新防火牆及網路管 理相關設備,及建置次世代入侵防禦系統(IPS)。
二、規劃無障礙官網,提升身心障礙人士使用網站便利性,預定 2021 年下半年完成。 三、拓展我國證券市場資訊服務業務,開發國際客戶,推廣即時交易資訊非揭示用途
五、持續推動使用國際標準通訊協定 FIX、SFTP,並規劃逐步將 SFTP 應用於各相關 業務。
六、提升電腦主機系統效能及安全,持續規劃汰舊換新與擴充電腦設備。 七、配合國家資通安全政策,持續導入政府組態基準(GCB),強化設備安全防護。
III. Computer Application and Information Services
1. The TWSE will continue to enhance overall information security, ensure transaction network security, replace and upgrade old firewalls, network management, related equipment, and establish next-generation IPS.
2. The TWSE's accessible website, which will enhance ease of use for people with disabilities, is expected to be launched in the second half of 2021.
3. To expand the information services of Taiwan's securities market and gain new international clients, the TWSE will promote its business of providing real- time trading information for non-display usage, conduct market research on information applications, and develop new information services and sales models.
4. The TWSE will study the feasibility of emerging technology applications in Taiwan's capital market.
5. The TWSE promotes the use of international standard communication protocols such as FIX and SFTP, and plans to gradually apply SFTP to other related operations.
6. To upgrade the efficiency and security of computer mainframe systems, the TWSE will replace, upgrade, and expand current computer equipment.
7. In accordance with the "National Information Security Policy," the TWSE will continue to introduce the GCB to enhance security and protection.

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