Page 16 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 16

   2020 年營業天數共計 245 日,本公司各項商品成交值均較去年成長,股票成交金額約 45 兆 6,543 億元,較前年 26 兆 4,646 億元,增加 19 兆 1,897 億元,增幅為 72.51%;指 數股票型基金(下稱 ETFs)成交金額 2 兆 8,386 億元,較前年增加 36.44%;指數投資證 券(下稱 ETNs)成交金額 55.67 億元,較前年增加 180.42%;認購(售)權證成交金額 5,091.95 億元,較前年增加 2.43%;受益證券(不動產投資信託基金;下稱 REITs)成交 金額 115.48 億元,較前年增加 15.19%;臺灣存託憑證(下稱 TDRs)成交金額 1,632.87 億元,較前年增加 6,716.11%。
There were 245 business days in total in 2020, with an increase in transaction value for all TWSE products compared to the previous year. The stock trading value was approximately TWD 45.65 trillion, an increase of TWD 19.19 trillion or 72.51% compared with the TWD 26.46 trillion of 2019. The trading value of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) was TWD 2.84 trillion, an increase of 36.44% over the previous year. The trading value of Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) grew 180.42% over the last year to TWD 5.57 billion. The trading value of call (put) warrants was up 2.43% over the previous year to TWD 509.20 billion; beneficiary securities (Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs) up 15.19% to TWD 11.55 billion; and Taiwan Depository Receipts (TDRs) up 6,716.11% to TWD 163.29 billion.
展望未來,伴隨新冠肺炎疫苗開發及施打,在各國採取貨幣寬鬆的環境下,景氣可望 逐漸復甦。我國除持續獲益於臺商回臺投資、貿易轉單效應外,投資方面,政府加速執行 公共建設,積極推動六大核心戰略產業,促進產業升級轉型,且主要半導體業者上調資本 支出;出口方面,以半導體、資通訊與視聽產品力道強勁,皆將提升整體經濟表現,惟仍 需密切注意疫情發展、疫苗施打效益、中美貿易爭端、地緣政治及各國政策走向等不確定 性因素。本公司將持續推動市場改革,建置良好資本市場,維護投資人權益,提升臺灣經 濟成長動能。
Looking to the future, the economy is expected to make a steady recovery as coronavirus vaccines are administered and nations ease monetary policies. The government has accelerated public infrastructure, actively promoting the six core strategic industries, and urged industries to upgrade and transform; an example of which can be seen in the semiconductor industry, which has raised its capital expenditure. Taiwan has

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