Page 11 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 11

      其次、借鏡國際市場,規劃股票造市者制度,預計在今年 6 月底推出,針對「優質 低流動性」的潛力股,提供券商造市獎勵及經手費減免誘因,以期增加個股成交量及流 動性。
第三、配合主管機關推動「公司治理 3.0 - 永續發展藍圖」,為深化公司治理,促 進企業永續發展,本公司積極輔導上市公司精進公司治理及善盡企業社會責任;並增強 承銷商與會計師職能,善用數位科技強化異常交易之預警功能,提升監理效能。
Second, the TWSE has conducted extensive research and is developing a market-making system that is expected to be rolled out in late June. To incentivize securities firms to act as market makers, lower transaction charges and others with the goal of expanding the trading volume and liquidity of securities, especially those with great potential, outstanding performance, and low liquidity.
Third, to be in line with the FSC's "Corporate Governance 3.0 – Sustainable Development Roadmap" and to intensify corporate governance and promote sustainable operations, the TWSE has actively encouraged listed companies to enhance corporate governance and fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Furthermore, the TWSE will tighten regulations to enlarge our quality of professional underwriting and accounting practices, as well as utilize SupTech to strengthen monitoring plus improve early warning measures for abnormal transactions.

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