Page 8 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 8

 06 國際證券市場,尤以科技類股為主的市場所受衝擊較劇,2022 年那斯達克指數跌幅 33.10%,韓國交易所 KOSPI 跌幅 24.89%,臺灣加權股價指數跌幅亦達 22.40%。所幸 上市公司基本面表現穩定,2022 年合計營收達 40.22 兆元,全年營收成長 5.15%,且全 球升息腳步繼續放緩,帶動股價指數自 10 月低點反彈,年底仍收在 14,137.69 點,為歷 年第 3 高紀錄。年底上市股票總市值為 44.27 兆元,全年股票成交值達 56.08 兆元,仍 相對歷年維持較佳的表現;資本市場亦充分發揮籌資功能,總籌資金額達 5,542.44 億元, 其中股票籌資 2,687.02 億元,為有紀錄以來新高。 本公司在面對 2022 年國際政經情勢的動盪下,不僅力守發行交易面各項佳績,並力 求在逆風中展現韌性,厚植實力,以競逐國際,在主管機關的指導下推出多項亮點措施, 謹此向各位股東報告去(2022)年公司的經營成果與未來營運展望,敬請各位股東指教。 In international markets, tech-heavy exchanges were hit especially hard; in 2022, the NASDAQ sank 33.10%, the KOSPI dropped 24.89%, and TAIEX tumbled 22.40%. Fortunately, our listed companies have solid fundamentals, and recorded a total revenue of NTD40.22 trillion for 2022, up 5.15% compared to the previous year. As the pace of interest rate hikes eases worldwide, TAIEX rebounded from its low point in October to 14,137.69 points at year end, marking the third highest record in the index’s history. The total market capitalization of TWSE-listed stocks was NTD44.27 trillion, with total trading value amounting to a robust NTD56.08 trillion. Through our central platform for fundraising, the total capital raised reached NTD554.24 billion, of which a record- breaking NTD268.70 billion were raised through stocks. The year 2022 was full of turbulent global political and economic conditions around the world. Despite these headwinds, the TWSE remained resilient, performing well in issuance and trading, and upping our international competitiveness. Under the guidance of the supervisory authority, the TWSE has implemented a number of substantial measures. I would like to share with you a review of our achievements in 2022 and our outlook for the future. 

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