Page 26 - 臺灣證券交易所2022年報
P. 26

24 壹、推動及活絡創新板 成立跨部門專案小組,整合資源發揮綜效,精進創新板規章,增進法規彈性,積極 推動招商,建立市場定位,打造臺灣創新板 TIB 品牌標誌: 一、多元管道推動招商,加強對集團旗下及非集團新創企業之推動,並透過行政機關、 創投機構、新創育成機構及各項活動擴大交流,以行動支持創新育成。對中介機構 辦理 16 場個別訪談交流會議及 2 場大型推動座談會。 二、2022 年拜訪國內外共 77 家新創公司(含 14 家上市集團),在積極推廣下,申請 上市家數達 8 家,顯著成長,且產業呈現多元分散,包括數位科技、綠能、半導體 及生技醫療等。 三、擴大市場參與人數,針對創新板法人資格條件及自然人財力證明標準進行鬆綁,自 8 月 11 日實施,並舉辦推廣活動及獎勵競賽,帶動合格投資人自前一年底的 6.6 萬戶突破 11 萬戶,增加逾 6 成。 四、提升創新板股票流動性,制定創新板造市者制度,鼓勵證券自營商擔任造市者,自 8 月 11 日實施。 I. Promoting and Activating the TIB The TWSE established a cross-departmental task force to integrate and maximize the use of resources, revised related legislations to increase flexibility and create friendlier legal conditions, and attracted participants through the creation of the TIB brand and market positioning. 1. The TWSE will continue attracting listings through multiple channels and actively support the development of startups, both affiliated and unaffiliated with business groups, via the assistance of administrative agencies, venture capital firms, and startup incubation institutions. The TWSE held 16 individual meetings with intermediary institutions and conducted 2 large-scale promotional forums. 2. In 2022, the TWSE visited 77 startups (including 14 listed business groups). The active promotional efforts have resulted in a considerable growth in listings. The 8 TIB listing applications for this year comprise diverse industries, including digital technology, green energy, semiconductors, and biotechnology and medicine. 3. To increase the number of market participants, some requirements were loosened on August 11, including those regarding qualifications for TIB investors who are juridical persons and financial statements from natural person investors. With the added effect 

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