Page 50 - 臺灣證券交易所2021年報
P. 50

   合併簡明綜合損益表 Consolidated Concise Statement of Comprehensive Income 單位:新臺幣仟元 Unit: NT$ thousands 8,610,970 9,511,418 101,704 5,796,472 5,900,200 6.90* ( 註 )    項目 Item 年度 Period  110 年度 2021  109 年度 2020 營業收入 Operating Revenue  23,112,550  15,045,802    營業利益 Operating Profit 稅前淨利 Profit before Income Tax 其他綜合利益淨額 Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), net 淨利歸屬於母公司業主 Profit Attributable to Owners of the Parent 綜合利益總額歸屬於母公司業主 Comprehensive Income Attributable to Owners of the Parent 每股盈餘 ( 元 ) Basic Eearnings Per Share (NT$) 註:已依 110 年盈餘轉增資後股數追溯調整。 *Retroactively adjusted for the issuance of stock dividends in 2021. 16,079,955 16,798,517 (91,142) 10,386,136 10,244,893 12.36  營業外收入及支出 Non-operating Income and Expenses   718,562   900,448   本期淨利 Profit for the Year   13,504,707   7,730,394   本期綜合利益總額 Total Comprehensive Income   13,413,565   7,832,098   淨利歸屬於非控制權益 Profit Attributable to Non-controlling Interests   3,118,571   1,933,922   綜合利益總額歸屬於非控制權益 Comprehensive Income Attributable to Non-controlling Interests   3,168,672   1,931,898    48 

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