Page 12 - 臺灣證券交易所2021年報
P. 12

   第四,推動證券商布建資訊設備及投入數位轉型,並為提升整體證券市場資安防禦 能力,與周邊單位成立「證券暨期貨市場電腦緊急應變支援小組」(簡稱 SF-CERT), 全天候協助業者應變資安事件。 第五,為深化投資人教育,透過實體與數位多元管道,辦理系列活動,向投資人進 行多層次宣導,加強年輕族群金融素養,建立年輕人投資紀律與風險觀念,及強化投資 人防範投資詐騙意識。 展望未來,隨各國疫苗施打日漸普及,預期全球經濟活動逐步恢復正常,供應鏈問 題亦可獲得改善,且 5G、車用電子、高效能運算等新興運用需求暢旺,國內深具製程領 先優勢的半導體製造業者積極擴廠,將帶動整體產業向前邁進,國內股市可望接續穩健 發展。 全球仍存在諸多不確定因素,但我們仍滿懷信心,在既有厚實基礎上,將持續推動 市場制度接軌國際,擴大資本市場規模、深化上市公司永續發展、提升資訊透明度、強 化資訊安全及投資人保護。期盼與各位股東和全體市場參與者共同努力,推動臺灣資本 市場邁向更高峰。 Fourth, to encourage securities firms to upgrade their information equipment and undergo digital transformation, as well as enhance the information security capabilities of the entire securities market, the TWSE and peripheral units co-organized the Securities and Futures Computer Emergency Response Team (“SF-CERT”), providing members with 24/7 assistance in response to security incidents. Fifth, the TWSE held a series of in-person and online events to enrich investor education and address investors with different levels of financial knowledge. The TWSE especially targeted the financial education of young investors to cultivate their awareness of investment discipline, risk, and prevention against fraud and scams.   10 

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