Page 12 - 臺灣證券交易所109年度年報
P. 12

   第四、強化資通安全,本公司為金融領域關鍵基礎設施提供者,適用資通安全管理 法,將加強主機與防火牆安全防護能力,建置次世代入侵防禦系統(IPS),以因應網 路多變的惡意攻擊,提升設備及網路管理之安全防護。
第五、深化投資人教育,鑒於目前電子下單比率已逾 7 成,且實施盤中零股交易後, 新進參與股市投資之年輕族群眾多,將針對不同族群屬性規劃適合課程,除進行實體交 流外,並加強數位化學習資源,提供無遠弗屆的教育宣導。
Fourth, as a critical infrastructure provider in the financial sector and applicable under the "Cyber Security Management Act," the TWSE is focused on strengthening information and communications security. To this end, the TWSE will enhance security and protective measures for mainframes and firewalls, establish next-generation IPS, and upgrade equipment and network management to outdistance increasingly sophisticated malicious cybersecurity attacks.
Fifth, the TWSE is committed to deepening investor education. With electronic trading accounting for over 70% of all orders, the implementation of intraday odd lot trading, and the participation of more and more young investors in the stock market, the TWSE will conduct courses tailored to different investor types. In addition to in- person learning exchanges, the TWSE will enhance digital and online resources in order to truly achieve investment education without borders.
展望未來,全球經濟受新冠肺炎疫情、美中爭端等影響,前景仍具不確定性,惟 我國持續受惠於全球供應鏈重組,及 5G、人工智慧(AI)、遠距等商機帶動相關產 業需求,出口貿易強勁,且各相關產業擴大投資,政府亦推動財政刺激方案及加速 公共建設執行,為國內經濟成長奠定穩固基石。
臺股在 2020 年繳交出亮麗的成績單,蔡總統於市場封關後親至本公司視察,給予 同仁鼓勵與肯定,並期許臺股在牛年穩健成長。本公司將持續完善市場制度、推動公司 治理、開發多元商品、提升服務品質,以提供投資人優質的投資環境。期盼與各位股東 和全體市場參與者共同努力,推動臺灣資本市場持續前進。

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