Page 6 - 證交所108年報
P. 6

Review and Outlook
                  2019 年臺灣證券市場受到全球經濟走向不確定性之不利因素影響而有所波動,惟 在臺股基本面穩健,且國際資金寬鬆的環境下,年底臺灣加權股價指數 11,997.14 點, 較前(2018)年底上漲 2,269.73 點,漲幅達 23.33%,為近十年最佳,且與國際主要 證券市場比較,表現相對優異;收盤指數於 1 月 4 日最低 9,382.51 點,至 12 月 18 日 最高 12,122.45 點,全年高低點差達 2,739.94 點。雖然總證券成交金額 29.06 兆元, 較前年 32.16 兆元減少 9.66%;日均成交值 1,200.69 億元,較前年減少 7.79%,但亦 是最近 12 年次高。
In 2019, the Taiwan stock market experienced some fluctuations due to adverse factors of uncertainty in the direction of global economic trends. However, Taiwan's stable stock fundamentals and an environment of easing in international funding saw Taiwan's price-weighted index increase by 11,997.14 points. This 23.33% increase of 2,269.73 points compared to the previous year (2018) was the biggest increase in a decade, performing well relative to other major international securities

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